Monday, October 4, 2010

Haiti Mission Trip Recap - Tuesday-Wednesday

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Hotel room, Jacmel, Haiti

We did the lunch line again today.

This time lunch was grits and sauce, so it was really hard not to spill. Man, the sun got really hot during the time we stood out there to pass plates! A lot of the team spent the day painting inside the church, but there weren't enoug brushes so I hung out and played hand clapping games with the kids...

I went back to the kitchen after some hand clapping,but see if I could help the ladies with dinner (which was for us).  I helped smash spices with a pestle and mortar and then they tried to teach me the Kreyol for the foods we were making 

I am still not very good at remembering the different "meat" names. But I did find out we are having goat tonight!! Haven't decided yet if I will tell everyone else! =)

W are going back to church tonight for services and then to have dinner there.  It sounds like we won't eat dinner until at least 8pm and won't get back here until around 10pm. Church is supposed to start around 6pm.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hotel roof deck, Jacmel, Haiti

It started raining yesterday soon after I finished journaling.  We didn't end up going back to church.  "Haitians hate rain" and everything stops here if it rains.  I guess because they don't have much shelter or drainage and they spend more of their time outside.  Plus, roads here aren't paved, they are almost all dirt, so everything just turns to mud.  Church was cancelled and our plan to eat at church turned into eating at the hotel.  Fish, goat, cooked lettuce, tomatoes and peppers, potatoes, plantains and "dirty rice".  A feast!

I fell asleep for about 15 minutes while we waited for dinner.  Then I pretty much went to bed right after we ate.  I read for maybe 20 minutes and then passed out.  I slept like I do at home when I'm stressed - brief waking, tossing and turning a lot.

My stomach is feeling fine.  I drank a LOT of water yesterday. Peed three times -- a Haitian record for me so far. Still not quite right in the bathroom department, but I still think it's just stress and weird food.  About half of our team is experiencing the same ting.  My eyes and sinuses are starting to get weird from the constant burning and dust.  I wish I had saline nose spray and some allergy eye drops! Oh well...

Time for morning devotions!

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